Spring Startup

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Leave Your Spring Irrigation Checklist To Us

If the freezing temperatures are over in NJ, it’s time to think about giving some TLC to your irrigation system. If you simply start up your system with no preparation, you run the risk of damaging the pipes or other parts of your irrigation system. All Wet Irrigation & Lighting has got the ultimate checklist for your spring turn-on procedure so you're ready for warm weather with a beautiful lawn.

All Wet Irrigation lawn care Truck Pink Flowers 1x

Achieve Flawless Irrigation With These Simple Steps

We follow all the necessary protocol to protect your irrigation system and lawn. We also take extra effort to identify any problems that have occurred during winter and fix them.

Step 1: Slow Fill

Water must start flowing through the pipes slowly. Our specialists are trained to gently open the main water valve in order to avoid damage.

Step 2: Proper Activation

Every part of the operation must be checked in advance before use. The zones will all be activated from the controller.

Step 3: Proper Performance

Here is the step where a professional is needed most. Our team has inspected hundreds of irrigation systems all over northern NJ and knows how each part of the system should perform. Water pressure, rotation and sprinkler heads are a few things that will be inspected.

Step 4: Reprogramming

Once everything is checked, the controller will be programmed for watering, and the backup battery is replaced if necessary.

Startups & Winterization Go Hand In Hand

Good winterization in the fall will make the process of spring startup much easier. In fact, if you avoid getting winterization for your system, you will probably be facing a few repairs during a spring startup.

Don't Let Spring Hit Before Your Lawn Is Ready!

You can jump back into irrigating your lawn quickly with our spring startup services. If your lawn is looking a little lackluster after winter, we also offer extensive lawn care services. Give us a call at 973.366.8754 today!

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